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How to Get and Stay Organized

Organization is one of my favorite words! Not really, but I do love organization! I love watching videos of people making their living or work spaces functional and using some of their ideas to do the same. However, being organized is not something that just comes naturally (at least not for me), it is learned. While I love to get organized, I find that it is sometimes hard to stay organized. One of the things that I have had to learn is to maintain the organization that I so love, or else I would never stop organizing. And that is not the goal because organization should be beneficial and relieve stress not become a stressor in and of itself. So, here are some ways that I have learned to get and stay organized!

Have a Plan

This is probably the most important step in getting and staying organized. If you just “go with it” you can get overwhelmed. Have an idea of the why. Do you want a more functional space? Do you want a more productive morning? What is the goal? Knowing this will help because with a clear idea of your “why” you can develop a feasible plan with attainable steps. Trying to get organized without a plan typically results in a bunch of small ideas that may not really work together. This will typically result in disorganization which is not the goal!

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

Execute the Plan

Now that you have a plan, you need to execute it! While planning is important, you can’t just stop there. Start carrying it out! If you took the time to plan, you should have specific steps to help you become organized. Depending on what you planned to do, you may execute the plan all at once or slowly overtime. Either way start doing it!

Maintain (this is where most of your time and energy will be spent so I broke it down into three steps)

  1. Do it daily: Depending on your goal and the plan you created, the daily maintenance will vary. However, being intentional about maintaining organization daily is essential because eventually you’ll develop a habit. So, take the time to de-clutter your room everyday even if it looks decent. Write in your journal even if you only have a few minutes to spare. Whatever it is that you planned to do, do it and do it daily! In the beginning it can be easy to fall back into your normal way of doing things. However, if you push through these early days it’ll be easier to maintain your goals when the really busy days come (because they will come)!

  2. Keep it simple: I cannot count how many ideas that I have saved on Pinterest boards and on my phone. While many of them were great and innovative, they just don’t work for me. Having separate color-coded binders for all of my classes stressed me out. While I loved the aesthetic, that was all I focused on. I am not suggesting that everyone stop color coding because it honestly works well for some people (i.e. my sister). However, for me having a simple folder for each class as needed and keeping most things on my computer is the best route to take. With that being said, find out what works best for you and go from there! Doing this will make it so much easier to stay organized in the long run!

  3. Re-assess: Whether getting organized is new for you or it is something you love to do, it is always important to re-assess. This is how you can see if what you planned actually works. If it does that’s great! If not, then find out why. I know that when I move into a new place it always takes me a while to really get myself together. Sometimes it is because I don’t realize how much the little habits in my daily life matter. Depending on your lifestyle/habits even the smallest change can make a big difference. What works for one person may not work for another, and that’s okay! Ultimately when getting organized it is important that it is tailored to your life if you want to maintain it. Remember, there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to living an organized life!

Do it daily. Keep it simple. Re-assess.

Let’s chat! How do you get and stay organized? What are some areas where you need to get organized in but find it difficult? Let me know in the comments!

How to Get AND Stay Organized!

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