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21 Things I Learned By 21…

I have always seen 21 as the age of true adulthood. However, the reality is I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of what it means to be an adult. Nonetheless I have learned a lot, made great memories, and met amazing people within the past 21 years! As far as adulting goes, I have completed two degrees and will be working towards my J.D. in the fall. That’s about it! I have yet to move out and since I graduated high school most of my time has been filled with more school and work in between. However, while I don’t have everything figured out (who really does) there are some things I have found to be true…

1. You cannot control everything.

Trying to control every aspect of life does not do anything except add stress to your life and trust me you will have enough problems without adding on 1,000 other things that you cannot really do anything about.

2. Be able to defend and stand firm for what you believe in.

When we were growing up a lot of our beliefs were passed on from those who we trusted. Holding true to these values is fine, but make sure you are able to defend your why. Not being able to do so or being hypocritical will tarnish your integrity and can cause internal conflict.

3. It’s okay to live in the moment.

Always plan for the future, but never forget that you still need to live life now. Being blind to the beauty of your current life can result in regret. Besides why not enjoy every stage of life for what it is?

4. Disagreements can make a relationship stronger.

Nobody agrees with anybody 100% of the time. If there are “yes” people in your life, then chances are they won’t correct you when you need it most.

5. It is okay to change your mind.

You are young and there is no way you are going to have everything figured out. There are a lot of things left to learn and experience. If that leads to a change of plans or a new inspiration, then so be it.

6. Having a core group of friends is a lot better than having everyone as an acquaintance.

Always be open to meeting new people, but never underestimate the power of a few close friends.

7. Just because someone isn’t where you are, that doesn’t mean YOU need to get them there.

You were given the opportunity to grow at your pace and others should be given that same respect. Besides forcing change only creates resentment.

8. Growth will always lead to more growth.

As you grow you discover that you still can improve. This is a never ending cycle so just enjoy the process.

9. It is important to question everything before you accept it as truth.

There are a lot of facts and even more opinions. Take everything you hear as a grain of salt and do your own research.

10. If something is meant to be it will happen in due time.

Everything happens for a reason. Feeling stagnant isn’t fun but it may be just what you need to succeed in the next phase of your life.

11. Work through past hurt, pain, and traumas.

Suppressing things only makes matters worse. You deserve to live in peace and there are varies healthy ways to get there.

12. Communication is the most important skill you could have.

So learn how to do it now!

13. Be honest with how you feel (especially if you are being asked).

I always like to remember that we have to live with ourselves 24/7. So if something is bothering you and you don’t express it you will only make yourself miserable in the long run.

14. Do everything with love and grace.

Pretty self-explanatory.

15. Self-care isn’t just skin care and hair masks.

It is spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and financial.

16. Comparing yourself to others will only distract you.

Plus, I’d like to add that is is never worth it. You have a purpose so focus on that and celebrate the victories of those around you.

17. If you cannot control the situation, then focus on how you will react to the situation.

One of the only things we can control is our reaction to a situation and our perspective. Focus on these two things so you won’t get stuck in the worry cycle. (term taken from this sermon)

18. You don’t have to travel far to experience new people, places, and things.

I love traveling, but sometimes it is important to serve the communities we are in everyday. Take the time to get to know those around you!

19. Never stop chasing your dreams (even if you have to adjust them).

If it is on your heart it might be an indicator that you need to be doing it! I’ve found that oftentimes when God wants to redirect my focus it will start as something small and then become more consistent with time.

20. It’s always good to have a hobby that doesn’t force you to “perform”.

In a world where people are constantly trying to prove themselves try doing something just because!

21. If you are afraid of taking a risk, then pray about it! If God says move then move!

Not everything will be comfortable, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it. With anything seek wise counsel and pray about it before you make your next move.

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