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How to: Get the Most Out of Undergrad

College has been one of the most memorable moments in my life! I had the chance to meet some amazing people and made some of the best memories! However, my time in college was not traditional in anyway. While I did get the opportunity to participate in all of the freshman activities, I only had two years at my university (2.5 to be more exact). Knowing this, I was determined to make the most out of my college experience. Here are some of the things I did and I would recommend any current or future college student to do so they can maximize their college experience!

Try New Things

I know you have probably heard this from various people or blogs, but it is so important! When you are in college you are being exposed to a diverse group of people (depending on your college) that will be unlike anything you have experienced before. When I went into college, I was determined to join a certain number of clubs that would help build my resume. However, I ended up learning about a lot of different clubs and organizations that where not only interesting, but allowed me to meet some of my closet friends. So, even if it does not fit into your ideal plan, try it out! You never know what the outcome will be!

Optimize Your Time

Whether you are transferring to a new university or coming in with no college credits, your time in college won’t last forever. While it is important to try new things, make sure you use your time wisely. For me, I felt that I had so much time in college to get things done (in comparison to high school). However, as my course load and life started to pick up I was rudely awakened! One of the things that have helped me was taking time to plan my week out. I made sure I set aside time for schoolwork, club commitments, and personal time. This helped keep me from getting burnt out which will definitely happen if you are not careful!

Get to Know Your Professors and other Adults

In case you did not know, in college you will meet people from various age groups (shocker). However, typically if you are living on campus most students will be in their 20’s. While this can be exciting for your social life, be wary of staying within this bubble. This is the time in your life that you are surrounded by so much knowledge and information. From my experience, professors and adults that are in the college community WANT to pour into the students. Taking the time to get to know people who were older than me has given me so much insight on life that my peers would not have been able to provide.

Explore the Community Outside of Campus

This in some ways relates to the previous point. Going into the community where your college is located can not only allow you to get to know the area better, but it can put you in the position to meet new people (refer to the previous point). This can be as simple as you want it to be. Most towns have community events or popular areas to socialize, especially during the school year because they want to attract college students! While this may mean spending money that you may not have spent if you were on campus it can be provide some great memories or a cool discovery. Plus being on campus all the time can be a bit overbearing (and it will eventually get boring)!

Don’t Pressure Yourself To Have the “Best College Experience Ever”

This is probably the MOST important piece of advice! I have had many friends (myself included) who went into college with a very detailed idea of what college would be like. While there is nothing wrong with having a plan, it is important that you do not put too much pressure on yourself to have the “perfect” experience. A lot of what my college experience (and that of others) consisted of was a plan that didn’t go quite as expected but ended up being pretty okay if not better! There will be factors that you may never consider that will impact your time in college (or life in general). With that being said, enjoy the ride and have fun no matter where life takes you!

Takeaway: Sometimes the plan you had for your life won’t even compare to what you are truly capable of! However, regardless of what happens God has a plan that is greater than any plan we could have imagined.

Are there some tips that I missed? Let me know in the comments!

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