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1L Year in Review

This time last year I was preparing for my first year of law school! Today I am sitting in the same room as a rising 2L who gets the opportunity to wake up tomorrow and continue her internship at a law firm in her city (not going to disclose name for confidentiality purposes). I learned a lot during my first year of law school...


When you think you have reached your limit, chances are you're wrong.

There were so many times that I thought I could not read any more than I already had. In law school, you are going to be doing more work than you have ever done. I started law school right after undergrad, as did many others, and I do not think I have met anyone who has view law school as "easier" than their previous education. Some of this is attributed to how law classes are taught and graded, however, a lot of it is due to the workload.

You have to focus on your "why" otherwise you will not have the momentum to push through the tough times (there will be tough times).

There will be tough times in law school whether it be life or merely the workload. When things get difficult it can be easy to give up, whether that be realizing that your grades are not where you thought they would be or you feel completely drained with a brief still waiting to be completed. If you just get caught up in the game of law school and forget about the type of people you want to help, then the entire process will be miserable. I went through a period during my spring semester when I forgot my why... That was a TOUGH couple of weeks. When I got out of my slump, it was because I was reminded why I wanted to be an attorney. I was reminded of all the goals and dreams that I had once I completed law school. Figure out your why and remind yourself of it frequently.

Time is of the essence, so use it wisely.

When I was a kid, I used to complain about sweeping the floor (my least favorite chore). However, my dad was a stickler and would always check behind me to make sure I did it correctly. I almost never did, and I would always get frustrated when he would tell me to do it again. And every time, his response was always the same, "do it right the first time, so you don't have to do it again. There is A LOT of work to get done on a weekly basis in law school, but I promise you, if you do not take the time to understand and be diligent with your briefs and outlines throughout the semester you will regret it come finals. It is a lot more frustrating and time-consuming to glaze over a section rather than making sure you understand it to the best of your ability. Also, try not to push things off to the last minute and minimize distractions, you will be upset with yourself later.

Law school is only three years, that's it.

This is a double-edged statement. On one end, you can look forward to the fact that law school will not last forever (trust me the year will fly by). On the other end, you only have three years to learn a lot of information. Whichever way you look at it, this process will not last forever and before you know it you will be looking back on your time in law school as a distant memory.

Lastly, here are some things that I did not know that I needed, but became essential

  1. book stand

  2. blue light glasses

  3. filtered water bottle (I'm a picky water drinker)

  4. uggs (just trust me on this one)

  5. bookshelf (I actually did get one + it was a great investment)

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Hey! My name is Zakyrah and I am the writer and creator of Simply by Naté! 

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